In Street Fighter II series, the contender would face Balrog, Vega and Sagat and then finally Bison. Progression of tournament events and tiers are not known, but gameplay shows this by Arcade Mode. deliberate forfeiture from the tournament) as decided from the results of the bouts they engage in.

Winners and eligible continuing participants have their qualifying status decided by either knockout, judgement of the better participant, and will to fight (ie. Locations of where to fight tend to mostly be at the discretion of the participant in most cases, with no restrictions where a fight may take place, and a representative referee/judge will always be assigned to a participant to witness their progression and fights fairly, with cross examination with other witness representatives. There's no class distinction or grade requirement and any fighting style is welcome. mutual agreement and consent to show levels of restraint or not), and to maintain entertainment value and viewership, is largely frowned upon, and depending on the sponsorship, weapons may or may not be allowed firearms, obviously apparent, and large scale cutting/slashing weapons especially are prohibited (at least for those not of the sponsors, in regards to the latter). Rules to these tournaments are not entirely known, but it can be inferred that while there are no real restrictions in the tournament, some regulations may include that participants must show and check in with staff and affiliates throughout the world under penalty of forfeiture, intent to purposely kill and grievously harm at least for sportsmanship, performance and conduct of martial arts (ie. The third was held by S.I.N., and the fourth by Gill's organization, the Illuminati, in which Alex won officially after being sought after by the organization itself. Bison and Shadaloo hosted the World Fighting Championship in which Akuma killed Bison, though there isn't an official winner. In Sakura's Journey featured in Secret File 3, the fight between Ryu and Sagat was described as an unofficial inter-martial arts match that happened outdoors. In the original Street Fighter and Street Fighter Memorial Archive: Beyond the World it simply states that Ryu and Ken travel the world to become the strongest. In Ryu's backstory entry from All About Street Fighter Zero, it describes him going to Thailand and defeating 20 famous Muay Thai fighters before fighting Sagat.

The first World Fighting Championship being held by Sagat with Ryu emerging as the champion was only mentioned in ALL ABOUT Capcom Fighting Game 1987-2000. 3.3 Street Fighter III Tournament (Illuminati).3.2 Street Fighter IV Tournament (S.I.N.).3.1 Street Fighter II Tournament (Shadaloo).